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- CV attaché :
Détails du profil
Types de métiers recherchés
- Commercial, vente
- Management, direction générale
- Marketing, communication
Expérience professionnelle
Expérience dans les secteurs d´activité suivants :
- Centres d´appel, hotline, call center
- Marketing, communication, médias
- Services collectifs et sociaux, services à la personne
Expérience professionnelle
- Section Head in Marketing Department
- SRN Société de Raffinage de N`Djamena
- Depuis 07.2011
- - Ensure the completeness and effectiveness of the legal and technical documents. - For the problematic trucks marked on the Bon d'enlevement, only the problem is solved can the loading document be issued. Open the loading document for the qualified trucks after audit, and inform the driver of the truck failed the audit immediately. - Open the document accurately and efficiently, especially the product must be in conformity with the Bon d'enlevement, and the volume of compartments, with the tank gauge certificate or the historical record. Well communicate with all the representatives and drivers during loading process. - Print the Bon de chargement correctly after loading and go through the signature, stamp formalities of the MS supervisor, the driver, the representative, ASART, and the Chadian Customs for export, also provide the signed Bon de chargement (Export List) together with the batch Certificate of Quality to the driver and the representative. - Deliver the Document List together with all the attached documents of the Avis de chargement and the Bon de chargement (Export List) for the loading day to the Supervisor according to the product and document serial number. - Report to operation center`s supervisor immediately if any abnormal situation is appeared during using of software system. Keep and maintain the equipment such as computers and printers properly, and report to the supervisor in time for any malfunction unable to recover through simple treatment.
A self-starter and committed professional with extensive experience in marketing particularly in sales and customer services, I also have experience in administration management and humanitarian for almost six years with many NGOs and UN Mission.
I am passionate about marketing management and have been learning and developing my knowledge and skills how to satisfy customers.
I have experience in working with international humanitarian organizations and multinational companies.
I am managing a training center provides trainings programs in different languages, marketing, and management and life skills as well.
I worked with NGOs in eastern Chad IRC International Rescue Committee, RET the Foundation for the Refugees Education Trust, and with UN Mission United Nation Mission in Centre African Republic and Chad.
I have been working with an Oil and Energy Company named NRC N`djamena Refinery Company Ltd; in Marketing Department since July 2011, started as Marketing Admin & Info and promoted to Operation Officer then promoted again to Head Section of OC which is my current position since November 2016.
Niveau d'études : Bac+5 et plus
- Université Rio Fayçal
- 09.2015 - 06.2016
Business Administration
Compétences clés
- Business Administration
- Communication
- Management
- Marketing
- Marketing Management
- Vente
- Médias
- Anglais
- Courant
- Arabe
- Maternelle
- Français
- Courant
Plus d'informations
- Disponibilité : dans 1 mois
- Mobilité géographique : Agadir - Casablanca-Mohammedia - Fès - Laâyoune - Marrakech-Safi - Meknès - Oujda - Rabat-Salé-Kénitra - Settat - Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma - International
- Lieu de résidence : NDjamena
- Types de contrats acceptés : CDI - CDD - Intérim - Freelance - Alternance - Temps partiel - Statutaire
- Dernière mise à jour : 03.10.2024
- Nombre de consultations du CV : 129
Autres profils susceptibles de vous intéresser
Profil n°08625996
- Expérience professionnelle : Etudiant, jeune diplômé
- Formation: Bac+4
- La Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques et Sociales
- Depuis 09.2004
master logistiaue et commerce international
- Langues: Anglais (bon niveau), Arabe (maternelle) & Français (bon niveau)
- Compétences :
1.Sens de l'écoute